Look forward to New Insights into Climate Sciences

Professor Johan Rockström (Director of the Potsdam Institute, Climate Impact Research)- in COP26 Conference of United Nation Climate Change.


Hello everyone, welcome to the Chem Article. Today we discuss 10 new insights in climate science, we need to stop the climate change on our planet. The United Nation- Climate Change exhibits the program of sustainable, and more eco-friendly promotion. We are continually working through the green planet goal archive- to make a natural and greener world. That for required work together to archive “net zero” goal.

Created by: Chemarticle; New Insights into Climate Sciences


Give the 10 new insights into climate sciences to the scientific community – just like environment and economic, materials study. -Declarer the lecture of Professor Johan Rockström (Director of the Potsdam Institute, Climate Impact Research)- in COP26 Conference of United Nation Climate Change

  1. Stabilization at 1.5-degree Celsius warming is still possible, but immediate and drastic global action is required.
  2. Rapid growth in methane and nitrous oxide emission put us on 2.6-degree Celsius warming. Humans-driven factors that contribute to climate warming and cooling.
  3.  Intensified mega-fires
  4. Climate tripping elements incur high-impact risks.
  5. Global climate action must be just.
  6. Household behavior changes are a crucial but overlooked opportunity for climate action.
  7. Political challenges impede the effectiveness of carbon pricing. -61 countries have set a price on carbon.
  8. Nature-Based solutions are critical for the pathway to the Paris agreement - but look at the fine print.
  9. Building resilience of marine ecosystems is achievable by climate-adapted conservation. -Ocean is under threat from multiple sources and expanding Marine Protected Areas (MPA). from 7.8% to 30%. 
  10. Costs of climate change mitigation are justified by benefits to the health of humans and correspond to nature.

Just set the report against their time in the purpose of this is for the scientific community to hand over the 10 new insights. That we believe every climate negotiator must have in his or her back pocket to be an effective negotiator at any COP26 meeting and certainly here in Glasgow. This is how we can have the latest insight…

1. Stabilization at 1.5-degree Celsius warming is still possible, but immediate and drastic global action is required.

Inside number one is that from an earth system science perspective. we land on the conclusion that 1.5 degrees Celsius is still a possible landing zone.  We canceled it. The question is how will you do that from a feasibility perspective and that and over should be likely. It translates to two gigatons to two billion tons of carbon dioxide per year reduction face at a linear level of 5% per year. But if you want to search for a chance of success, it requires doubling to 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year. Admit today 42 gigatons of carbon dioxide per year. So here you have the Pathways in the report in terms of the landing zone to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

2. Rapid growth in methane and nitrous oxide emission put us on 2.6-degree Celsius warming.

Insight number 2 is very much discussed in Glasgow. The name is that there is no safe landing to deliver the highest agreement only by carbonizing the Global energy system carbon dioxide, Methane, nitrous oxide, the noun CO2 gas is an aversion in global warming. 

The climate models show clearly that we need to follow the same phase of production as carbon dioxide to have a chance of living in the Paris agreement. To see the latest assessments of the warming versus cooling. Cooling gases at nitrous oxide and methane are fundamental here and that discussions here and agreements are one step along the way but not sufficiently scientifically. Also important in this context is to remind yourself that air pollutants are cooling the planets. So, we have a paradox in a very dramatic one, which is that one environmental problem, air pollutants are camouflaging and another mental crisis, the global warming crisis, and this is well established scientifically. 

3. Intensified mega-fires

Insight 3 is that within the age of intensified mega-fires. This is also causing apart from social impacts on humans enhanced climate positive feedback, which is a warming amplifier. And where have 2019, 2020, mapping of the accelerated forest fire outbreaks? which are now covering more areas and caused by human global warming or accentuated by human global warming. Climate tripping elements are real and are a real risk that we cannot rule out. 

4. Climate tripping elements incur high-impact risks

Our Picture is clear to see the trajectory in terms of their risk assessment from science, from the third assessment of the IPCC. Till today what you see here is that the more scientific advances the lower in global mean temperature is a scientific assessment of the risk of crossing the tipping point. And the tipping point is today down between 1.5 and 2 degrees Celsius with a low probability high impact event. We don't have scientific certainty. Here but we are seeing more and more at-risk landscapes that are coming very closer within the Parish range. 

The scientific frontier here is that we are not only seen by the Miss crossing to the tipping point. But it is also that we are seeing the risk interaction so-called cascade between tapping element systems in you see here. For example, when the realization that malt fast releases cold Fresh water in North Atlantic. Slowing down the overturning and heat in the North Atlantic impacting on the monsoon over the Amazon.

 which can explain the higher degree of drugs in forest fires in the Amazon rainforest. which in turn also locks in water in the Southern Ocean accelerating the potential to melt about Antarctica.

5. Global climate action must be just.

These cascades and scientific Frontier you are still working very hard on this but it does give an even stronger message to negotiate with the precaution is important. Action must be just, as this just has very dramatic numbers, we know them all. Just to give you the latest, the richest 1% must reduce emissions by a factor of 13 wallpaper forests 50% in the world. Can we increase emissions by factor 3 for the world to stay within the global carbon budget fairly?

6. Household behavior changes are a crucial but overlooked opportunity for climate action.

Now insight 6 is on behavior change. We need to have a transition narrowly into the carbonization of the energy systems into the Technologies we also need 1.5 degrees Celsius lifestyles. Status going consumption patterns and growth will not take us to the Paris range. This is about equality and lifestyle change in behavior change.

7. Political challenges impede the effectiveness of carbon pricing.

-61 countries have set a price on carbon.

Insight 7 is about economic policy measures. We have so much scientific evidence to date that carbon pricing can accelerate the scale transition 61 countries in the world have a doctor's operation on carbon. This is however only covering 22% of global emissions that are covered by the carbon price. And so, the carbon price is not efficient because it is set at a true low level. But the European Union is the first example in Insights the world in the region where the carbon pricing system is starting to work. because it's starting to come up to scientific parity in the level of pricing and over 60 Euros to turn on carbon dioxide

8. Nature-Based solutions are critical for the pathway to the Paris agreement-but look at the fine print.

Natural-based solutions (Nbs) are fundamental and have a chance of surviving the Paris agreement. The challenge though is the hydrolats Brazilian natural-based solution and not too full of self in investing in offsetting mechanisms. That has already been factored into the climate models that give a carbon budget to you know the only reason why we have a remaining carbon budget.  That allows us to reduce emissions according to what we mentioned earlier. We assume that nature will continue to be a net carbon sink. So, we need solutions- we cannot use them to slow down the price of emission reductions on fossil fuel emissions. 

9. Building resilience of marine ecosystems is achievable by climate-adapted conservation. 

-Ocean is under threat from multiple sources and expanding Marine Protected Areas (MPA). from 7.8% to 30%

The ocean is the resilient, famous start of the planet biologically and physically. You have so much science today showing the threats to the ocean. We come back to that in the discussion here. This is something that would be also a determinant factor and investing in 30% targets for Marine protected areas. We believe this is one measure to reduce stress

10. Costs of climate change mitigation are justified by benefits to the health of humans and correspond to nature.

And finally, number 10 is on the connections between climate impacts and costing that we need to correct the market economics failure in factoring in the true cost of climate damage.

And the number one entry point there about helps you have today. Over 7 million people per year are truly losing their lives because of air pollutants. which is one of the facts that we need to know fully factor into the costing abort risk keep turning on climate change.